Liberty Northwest

church of Christ

Welcomes You

Thank you for visiting our website! We would greatly enjoy your presence with us during our next assembly, or join us on Zoom (Links below). We meet at 4110 NE 122nd Ave. #101 Portland, Or. 97230 (inside Northwest Engineering Bldg.).

Meeting Times: Sundays: 10:00 AM Adult & Kids Bible Class & 11:00 AM for Worship Services; Thursday 7:00 PM Adult Bible Class

Sunday ZOOM Worship | 11 AM PST

Thursday ZOOM Bible Study | 7:00 PM PST

Ladies ZOOM Bible Class Every other Tuesday | 7:00 PM PST

Ladies ZOOM Bible Class Every other Friday | 5:00 PM PST


Elsewhere on this site, you can find a variety of Bible-related resources, including recorded sermons, class materials, and other resources.  If you have any questions at all, please contact us by whatever method you feel most comfortable.

We pattern this church after the first century New Testament church established by Jesus and the Apostles. We endeavor to bring lost souls to the church, to teach the Gospel and the plan of salvation, and provide benevolence to the needy saints.
Acts 2:38-42; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:45
4110 NE 122nd Ave. #101 Portland, Or. 97230
Inside Northwest Engineering Bldg.

In Person Meeting Times: 
Sundays: 10:00 AM Adult & Kids Bible Class & 11:00 AM for Worship Services 
Thursday: 7:00 PM Adult Bible Class